Tuesday, July 24, 2012


Summer is a great time for reunions. There are class reunions, family reunions, weddings, etc. Being raised in a small family and marrying into a large family I have begun to appreciate these gatherings. I am truly blessed
with family and have enjoyed socializing with these people, especially when I make the effort to accept them
for who they are. In "A Very Brady Christmas" all the Brady children come home with their families, friends, and problems. Mike is making a speech about their gathering emphasizing that "we are here and we are family".
His sentiment goes beyond that gathering highlighting the point that "family" are those that will always be there for you! On your journey, remember that those people who are always there for you are your '"family".

Thursday, July 19, 2012

Changes rearranges

One of my favorite lines from a Pat Surface song is "there are going to be changes and rearranges" which
is exactly the direction this blog is taking. One of my pet peeves is going to a website or blog and finding it
is "under construction". This blog will just steadily improve and will be a place of inspiration on your journey. Remember "Change" (on your journey) isn't always bad. Time to enjoy your journey!