Friday, December 31, 2010

Expect The Unexpected!

Hope this season has been a great one for you. I know this season hasn't been that way for me. Although for various reasons, this hasn't been a great "season" for me, there are things that remind me about life: Expect The Unexpected! Your journey may appear to be going smooth and then it will turn rocky. In these "unexpected times" is when we turn to our friends and family to get us through those times. Dorothy and her friends didn't always know what to expect on their way to Oz, but they had each other to laugh with, cry with, share with. I hope on your journey when those "unexpected seasons" come into your life, remember your friends and family will be there to help you through it. Journey on!

Monday, September 27, 2010

Podcasts and Perseverance

On our journey, there are always times when we need encouragement to persevere when we are going through tough times. On their journey to see the Wizard of Oz, Dorothy and her friends, had each other for encouragement and support. There are several things I used throughout the years that have encouraged me on my journey. Currently I listen to a lot of pod casts that have helped me during the hard times. I hope you find encouragement (friend, letter, card, CD, etc.) to help you on your journey!

Thursday, August 12, 2010

Wayside Rest

On my journey, I've taken time for a "wayside" rest. These use to be popular for families to stop and get out of the car and may even include a picnic. "Resting" is a very important part
of the journey as it allows us to get renewed, refreshed and re-energized. After God was done with creating He "Rested". After this summer sabbatical, Im refreshed and ready to inspire. On your journey I hope you take time to rest!

Friday, May 14, 2010

Status Update

In our time, we have many different forms of communication. One of the most popular websites today is Facebook. Facebook allows you to post a profile picture, share information about yourself and even play games.
One of these features on your facebook page (known as your wall) is called "status" or "status update" which allows you to share a thought, pictures, a You Tube video, etc. Although a lot of my friends status updates are interesting, there are many that are annoying.
I like an update wishing me a great day, but really don't care about an update informing me you are hanging out with your friends at Walmart.
On my journey, I'm trying to change my status for "me" to "we" to "He"! Is your journey a life without purpose or a purpose driven life? Something to think about!

Friday, April 23, 2010

Friday, April 2, 2010

Good Friday!

Today is known to Christian people as "Good Friday" and part of the Easter Tridium. If it is focused on the death of Jesus, I wonder what is "good" about it. Without a Good Friday, Easter Sunday doesn't have much meaning. Without pain and suffering, what would be reason to celebrate joy? Remember life is a journey filled with circles. I hope your life's journey doesn't include going around in circles, but a series of connected circles, like those on the Olympic Games logo. Some may include suffering but others will include joy! Something to think about!

Wednesday, March 17, 2010


Happy Saint Patrick's Day! This day is a day of celebration for the Irish! There are may celebrations we have in our lives! These may include a major championship for the home town team, the birthday of a friend, and a class reunion. What about having lunch with you mom?
sending a card to a friend, or calling some to re-connect with them. In my mind these are also time for celebration? On you journey, I hope you make and take the time to CELEBRATE! Something to think about!

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Silver Medal

With the close of the Olympics, the athletes will return home with their medals and their memories. The moments have passed, the memories will always be there, but what do those medals tell us?
As the final hockey match between the United States and Canada was being played, I was listening to NPR which was talking about a study being done about Olympic medalists! According to the study the gold medalists felt great, of course! Next comes an interesting part: The bronze medalists felt more happy and content than the sliver medalists. Bronze medalists are happy to have placed and be given a medal. Sliver medalists are glad to receive a medal but their reception is different. It's like being recognized as "almost the best, but not quite! Something to think about!

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Winter Olympic Games

I have have always loved watching the Olympic games. May favorite part would be the opening and closing ceremonies. The opening ceremonies capture the spirit of the games along with the hopes and dreams of the athletes. The closing ceremonies honor those athletes and those events which either brought victory or defeat.
In life, we all experience moments of victory and defeat. The question we need to ask on this journey: Am I at the top of my "game?" Pun intended! Are you giving 100% of yourself? Something to think about!

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Day of Love

I admit I'm a hopeless romantic! "Sleepless in Seattle, You've Got Mail, and The Goodbye Girl" are some of my favorite movies! "You and Me, I'm Your's, and You Were Meant For Me" are some of my favorite songs. I think you know where I'm going with this!
During this time of year we are bombarded with ads including jewelry, flowers, candy, etc. Even though I agree these are ways to show love, I believe there are many other ways!
I've always considered Valentines Day as a day to show love to those people in our lives that we appreciate! It's as simple a visiting a shut-in, calling someone you haven't talked to for awhile, sharing a meal, etc. On your journey, take time to spread the Love!

Thursday, February 4, 2010

We Are The World

This morning I downloaded a copy of "We are the world". It was 25 years ago that the song came out in response to children suffering from AIDS in Africa! They are doing a remake of the song in response to tragic suffering after the earthquake in Haiti.
I hope you take time to listen to this song. The lyrics combined with the music are very powerful. On your journey remember "We are the ones who make a better day so let's not give in"! Take time to
make a brighter day for someone!

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Fortunate Cirmstances

Last Sunday I was frustrated and angry after watching the Saints/Vikings game. Although I agree it was a very good game and either team could have won, I wanted to see the Vikings win and progress to the Superbowl. The Vikings have been in the superbowl but the Saints never have.
My wife, who can always see a positive point in every situation, made a comment that left me speechless: "Maybe the Saints needed the victory more!" The victory was not only for the football team and fans, but for the people of New Orleans who are still rebuilding their city and their lives. On your journey, remember that sometimes your "unfortunate" circumstances may be "fortune" or "blessings to others. Journey on and count your blessings!

Sunday, January 17, 2010

Coffee Connection

I am a coffee lover! Maybe even a little more than I should be! A Priest friend of mine (who has since passed on) told me he offered the people he counsels coffee, tea or some beverage. He told me it gives them something warm to hold on to and relaxes those people so they can begin to share.
I've realized for me it's more than the taste of the coffee, but what it represents! Drinking coffee is a great time to connect with God and friends. It's a cup of comfort! Maybe while reading a book or the morning paper. Could be while reading the bible or praying. Might be while talking to friends. So on your journey I hope you take time to have a cup of comfort!

Saturday, January 9, 2010

Playing cards!

I have wondered why some people who have been faced with many obstacles have a true "rags to riches" life story, and others who have been given many opportunities wind up with a "riches to rags" life story.
As I reflect on my life journey, I think about the words of an old Danish proverb: Life is not holding a good hand; Life is playing a poor hand well. A little food for thought!

Saturday, January 2, 2010

What Direction?

As we begin this journey into 2010, there are questions I have! What positive habits will I develop? Who will my friends be? What obstacles or opportunities will I be faced with? And the list goes on.
I hope that this year will be great for you! As you journey, ask plenty of questions, surround yourself with friends, and know that you've "always had the power within you" to do whatever you want to do and be the person you wish to be! Journey On!